Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle: Prophet Guide by OrganicAlkemist
Version 1.337, Last Updated 2006-02-21 View/Download Original File
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By: OrganicAlkemist (no this is not my character name.)
(Not a very fancy header, but... I don't care. I'd rather
get to the damn point.)
FOREWORD: This, as it states, is meant to be the
ultimate, all-you-need-to- know-guide for being a prophet in Lineage 2.
I'd suppose there's a couple of people wondering why I'd
write a guide on simply this particular character type and why I care.
For starters, I've been playing Lineage 2 ever since the open beta,
so I've been around for a while. All in all, hopefully that means that
you can trust me and the methods to my madness. My first character
I ever created WAS a human mystic. Most called me a bit crazy
with a support character being my first and only character since
I don't believe in making multiple characters unless I'm RPing, which I do.
(Hey, if you're going to play a ROLE-PLAYING game, then might as well
tack on a role and a personality to your character, otherwise.. why are
you playing? Do you REALLY like the XP grind THAT MUCH? There's something
wrong with you then.) Originally I intended to go all the way as a healer,
but when attempts on my character's life was made on a fateful day
in a vicious 2 vs 1 fight (Me, versus a dagger and an archer, oddly
enough I won and I wasn't higher in level), I had realized that you
can't always depend on a party to be there to save you. Enter the
Prophet class and its wondrous benefits, and its consequences. First, I'll
dismiss the obvious questions though before I get to the nitty gritty.
Why write about the Prophet Class??
-Simple... It's my first class, and the class that I've played as the
longest. Obviously for the next reason, there ARE no L2 FAQS on this site
haha.. No.. I wrote about this class since I believe it is one of the
best classes around. While I know this is a moot point, it is for the
most part true in terms of the benefits that you get and the consequences
that come about. After all, if you become an Attack Prophet, you don't
need a healer, you don't need a buffer. You can be completely independent.
If you become a run-of-the-mill Support Prophet, you'll never have trouble
finding groups. See? It works, and there's nothing really that you could
rag about on with Prophets since they also have a penchant for saving YOU
half the time. :)
Don't you think that people already know enough about the Prophet class?
They could just go to the main site and pop up the information on the
character and see.
-Maybe... but that's not the issue here is it? We're not discussing as to
how much info a person knows about the Prophet class, we're discussing more
so... HOW to play as a Prophet effectively and well so that you don't really
have to be picked on about your skill as one. You would be very surprised as
to how some people can't get with the program and do their job.
You get Prophets that talk more than they work, some that have no clue
what in the hell they're doing, and others that are just plain loony.
This Guide isn't JUST for Prophets to read, but also for OTHER people to
read so that they DON'T get a loony in their party. I'm writing this
not just to inform, but to show people HOW to be a good Prophet, and to
show other people what kind of Prophet you'd want. :)
Will you be writing any other guides?
Can you put up your character information?
-As much as I like helping other people,I also have to protect myself.
As much as I hope you'd want me in your party or to find me in a server
to play with me, there are people that would take advantage of me more
so than ask me to help. So in the best interest to protect both parties,
no, I won't post anything thathas to do with my own L2 character or any
information like that,so don't ask me about it, period.
What if I disagree with what you write?
-If there is any mistake that I made in this guide, then please tell me.
I keep up to date with the new and upcoming chronicles, so I will change the
information in the guide accordingly if I need to. If you disagree with
my methods though or my own thoughts, then I'd like you to keep it to yourself,
otherwise hundreds of people would tell me "Well I don't think you should...
etc etc etc." Whether or not you follow the advice I have here is up to you.
What if I have comments or feedback?
-Any feedback is welcome, be it scrutiny or compliments. You can send feedback
and comments to this site under the respective topic
"Prophet Guide Comments here". This is a specific site only for this guide,
and no, I am not a blogger, but there is always going to be some smartass
that'll put my email address in some spam or try to toss a virus as me or
something stupid. So to even the playing ground, this is what I'll do,
and plus, it's live and I can respond whenever. Don't waste my time saying,
"your guide *piip*" or "you're a n00b" because I'll just shut down the site if
things like that appear and then no one will benefit since if there's really
something wrong, I won't update. If you really do have useful feedback and info
you won't mind making a fake account on that site just for that reason. This is
again to deter would-be trolls.
THE NITTY GRITTY: The Prophet Commandments
The following are a set of rules, that I at least believe should be observed by
all Prophets regardless of whether you're a Mana, Light, or Heavy Prophet
(AKA Fighter Prophet). Again, these are moot points and are debatable, but this
is what I think. You're free to disagree but keep it to yourself unless you
thinksomething is REALLY wrong.
Commandment I: You will always put the party before yourself
-A party doesn't need a selfish Prophet. No no no...
If everyone is running down on buffs and you've got mana, you buff them before
you take care of yourself.I know that you also have to watch out for yourself,
hell we all do it in the real world all the time, but if you're in a party,
obviously numbers= safety. The only way for a party,in a dangerous area with a
lot of aggro to be mostly safe, is to ensure that your party members are
protected. Only if everyone is taken care of is it really okay for you to buff
yourself with whatever respective buffs you need depending on if you're a Mana,
Light, or Heavy Prophet.
Commandment II: IF, and ONLY IF, it is a lost cause are you allowed to
teleport out or run.
-If someone is training your party, or if something bad happens and your party
is rushed by a large amount of aggro and your party can handle it, then let
them. Only a real cowardly gutless person will teleport out at the first
hint of danger. The moment you see the tank fall, or other damage dealers
starting to go down, then it is a good idea to run. Running is more
desirable than teleporting, since if you're nearby you can resurrect your
members and get some payback, or run for cover and rest.However, sometimes
running isn't a very viable option and you're faced with the fact that you
will have to teleport out of an area. If the party is about to be lost and
you're alive,then you get out. There's no point in helping the party if they're
dead, and there's 50 Grave Overlords in your face all in a group and
close together. No one, not even a Heavy Prophet can withstand that kind
of trauma, so just get out of there while the getting is good. It's best to
teleport, return, and get the help of another party to clear the area while
you assist your dead comrades. Dead Prophets help no team-mates, and this
rule of self preservation should be observed, always.
Commandment III: Always manually buff.. Always.
-This is a point that some people probably won't like at all... but it is a
personal rule for myself and I leave it up to you if you want to follow it or
not. Never buff anyone with macros. I'm not sure why, but I just don't like
macros. For one reason, is that you might get lazy. I've known some people that
will just buff someone by pushing a macro and then sit and do nothing. It makes
you lazy and before you know it you're sitting down, eating a sandwich and with
your feet propped up, trusting your macro'd buffs; but, all of a sudden a large
aggro mob comes up and kills you and your party and you waste a good 4 seconds
getting your fat gut back into action. A party doesn't want a lazy prophet. No.
Lazy prophets= death. A prophet must always be alert and ready in the case of
an emergency. Remember, your protection magic is the only real reason why the
party might be able to kill mobs more efficiently. If they can kill more
efficiently, then your degree of safety goes up, and your risk of getting
gruesomely killed/PK'd/raped/harassed goes down. You ARE part of the party's
line of defense alongside the tank and other buffing fighters. Aside from making
you lazy, different people want different buffs. Obviously a Mage Damage Dealer
won't need might or death whisper, and a Close Range Gladiator won't need
greater concentration. While you could macro specific ones in, I don't trust
macros and it's better to do it manually. This way you can keep an eye on what
you're doing. You don't want the prophet that talks more than they work. This
is a tell-tale sign of a lazy-*piip* prophet and a bad one. You want one that
keeps an eye on what they're doing, and only that can be proven by always
making sure you give the right buffs, heal the right person if they need it,
and never get lazy or frivolous on you.
Commandment IV: If you have to heal... Spiritshot it.
-Obviously from level 7-40 people depend on your ability to heal others.However,
this ability will eventually decay and stop as your heal and battle heal as a
Prophet will only go as far as Power 301. This is fine for dark elves and elves,
since they generally don't have a large amount of HP. But for characters that
have slightly more, you're going to want to heal them with the most amount of
healing, but save MP. As much as you'd like to be sometimes.. You're a Prophet
not a healer. Healers have that nice, lovely greater healing.. You don't.
You're the underdog here as a healer. To make up for this lack, you're going
to be needing spiritshots, or if you're financially secure, blessed spirits.
You want to make the most out of your magic. Another point about healing is
that if the damage rate that is done to your partymate is slow, use Heal
instead of battle Heal. Again, you're the underdog and your heal isn't as
strong as a Bishops, or any other parallel class. A battle heal with 78 MP cost
versus the standard heal is only 52 MP has a lot to say about MP conservation.
If you have to heal someone a lot, that difference in MP can be useful for
something else instead of being wasted for the sake of speed healing. A spirited
heal is faster than a normal heal, so not only are you saving MP, but you're
putting the extra speed bonus in casting from a Spiritshot to good use. If you
ABSOLUTELY must heal FAST, then you've got no choice but to use spirit
battle heals. For the most part though, if you're with a good party, this
sort of emergency hopefully won't happen.
Commandment V: Don't buff outside of party
-This is one that most people will probably not like. If you're in a
large party and someone runs up on you going "Buff plz, ty". Ignore them. You
have more important things to worry about than a lazy-*piip* moocher. If they're
nice enough about it and if they really need it, but most importantly, if you've
got the MP to spare, then okay, go for it. This is really up to the Prophet
him/herself. This is just one of the pet peeves that a lot of buffers get,
and not just Prophets. Someone will run up to you and demand buffs. If they're
an *piip* about it, then forget them. If they're nice enough a person or if you
feel like it, go ahead. I'm not too keen on the subject and I honestly don't
like it when I'm hassled to waste time to buff someone. It's just how I
personally feel. Whether or not you help someone out is up to you. They are,
after all, YOUR buffs and no one elses. Don't let anyone control you like that.
In my honest opinion, if you're going to buff them, and they don't DO anything
in return, why bother with them? It's pointless and stupid, and off the record..
A recommendation does NOT equal "doing something in return". Please... I lose
my recs more than I gain them... What makes you think I'd care about one?
I know being a Prophet is all about helping people, but it's about helping
people for a REASON, that is,if they're in trouble, you're their partymate, or
they're a good friend, husband, wife, online sex slave, etc. If you're running
down a road and someone accosts you going, "Buff plz now ty", they're wasting
your time and you shouldn't bother with them. Remember, you're a PERSON,
not an automated buffer.
Commandment VI: The Final Commandment: Know who you're buffing!
-I touched on this a little in one of the above commandments, but to
recapitulate... KNOW who you're buffing. Don't waste your mana on a needless
buff on someone when you can use it for a more useful buff on another.
Obviously casting Haste on a Mage is sort of worthless when that mana, and spell
would be better used for a Fighter, Dagger,or heavy prophet. Don't waste your
mp and know what to do. This is more of a practical commandment based on the
experienceand initial effectiveness of a Prophet really.
THE MEAT AND POTATOS OF IT: Prophet Types and Methods
Oddly enough some people are a little confused when I use the terms Mana
Prophet, Light Prophet, and Heavy Prophet. Yes! There are, at least in my
book, different prophet classifications. Depending on what you want, you can
choose either and adjust yourself. This is one of the reasons why I think
Prophet class is the best, since it's versatile. You don't just break C grade
and do your 2nd class change and that's it, but there are other avenues of
alternating your character to a specific task you choose. I'll let the
following descriptions and methods for each one be your guide.
Prophet Type A: Mana Prophet
Pros: High MP pool. Great Casting Speed. Can double as a healer.
Cons: Vulnerable. Easy to kill. Very low PDEF and PATK.
Description: The most common Prophet, is your everyday run-of-the-mill,
robe wearing,staff wielding prophet. Generally, found in a party, they are
also the most desired because of their inexhaustible mana pool. They can
double as a healer with their large supply and are generally always welcome.
These particular types of Prophets chose to stay, like their Cleric class
predeccessor,in robes. Thus they have, consequentially, low PDEF and low
PATK. Even with highest Shield on themselves, they can be killed quite
easily, and thus have a higher risk ratio of getting killed for fun if they're
attacked by a red in the open.
Methods: As a Mana Prophet, you're going to want to maximize your skill points
to the best you can without having to tack them onto worthless skills that
don't work for you. If you're a mana prophet, then your main objective isn't
to deal the largest amount of damage possible, but to cast the fastest,
the most, and to have the highest MP amount and the best buffs of course.
You can forget about putting SP on Weapon Mastery IMHO, since your P.ATK will
be worth nothing. Even with a Bow of Peril, your attack still isn't much of
which to boast. My advice, you want the fastest cast speed and the best
MP amount. Put SP on everything except Light Armor Mastery (you ARE staying
on robes as a Mana Prophet after all). Put SP definite on Anti Magic,
HP & MP boost and recovery, Fast Cast and quick recovery, and your buffs,
with the exception of Word of Fear which, IMHO, is a worthless spell.
This is the general trend you'll follow as you advance onwards through the
grades and in levels. For the C level, either Karmian and Divine will be
an optimal choice. Karmian will give added magic speed, which, if combined
with a Crystal Staff that has faster casting speed as an enhancement, will
allow you to fully buff someone quick and in a pinch. This is desirable if
you're in a nasty fight. Divine is good, since it'll increase your mana
amount by 171 AND give you more WIT. Not only does Divine GIVE you more mana,
but also still increases your cast speed. Between the two is really up to your
monetary funds. If you HAVE the funds, then go Divine. Karmian is still good
and is, between the two, the cheaper one. Demon Set isn't useful for Mana
Prophets, since all it does is add int +4. Might be good for Healing, but
we're not healers are we. B level equipment, you'll still want a staff that
has faster casting as an enhancement. Remember, we're going for mana here
and mana speed, not attack power, that's for Heavy Prophets, but not you. You
don't need that bulky-*piip* armor or that heavy-*piip* sword. Any B staff that
increases your cast speed is good. As for Robes, we have a variety of choices.
Zubei, Doom, Avadon, and Blue Wolf. Decisions... Decisions.... Looking at the
effects they all do (by this i mean SETS), the Blue Wolf robe set is the best.
With MP +206, MP Regen +5.24% and WIT (most importantly) +3 you'll become a
buffing machine. Doom isn't really all that good for mana prophets,since you
really don't get the desired bonuses aside from the only one that does good
which is MP regen. Zubei's Robe Set is honestly sort of worthless and provides
nothing you need.If you're skimping on money, Avadon robe is another decent
choice, though the least of the four overall. It provides a PDEF +5.247%
and +15% Cast speed which is more than what I can see, and say, for zubei
or doom. A grade equipment, you want the same kind of staff, or if you want..
since all you NEED is cast speed enhancement.. you COULD just stick with your
C staff altogether, saves time, and money, and aggravation. Majestic is a good
choice for a Mana Prophet. It gives MP +240, Cast Spd +15%,Mp regen +8%, stun
resist +50%, and Men +1. It'll overall protect you from getting stunned,
which is a bad thing, and it will also still give you the desired speed
and mana boost. Nightmare Robes aren't very useful since, again, as a mana
prophet, you want Mana Boosting,and Cast speed robes. You can look up the
bonuses you get on the main site. Tallum robes are another desirable set
since it gives cast spd 15%, M.def +8%, poison bleed resist 80% and Wit +2.
This is the fastest gear of the A grades though it deprives you of the 240 mp
boost that majestic gives. Between the two, I'd say take majestic. You want
the mana boost as a priority over the cast speed generally. No point in
casting fast if you have no mana after all. You can do a LOT with 240 MP.
Dark Crystal is generally the same as Tallum with the exception of a slight
concentration effect, +7 movement, +8& pdef and +50% paralysis resist. Good
and same cast ability as tallum, but between the two,I'd say go for tallum.
As for the paralysis resist.. I wouldn't touch that with a 50 ft pole. Rather
than risking 50% paralysis hitting you, i'd more worry about avoiding it
FINAL SAY: The common stereotype buffing magician with staff and robes
is a good choice for those that want to stay to their trade.
Though you sacrifice pdef and patk that a Prophet could possibly have,
that's not an issue. You want MP boosting and Fast Cast gear
and skills, and this is what we're looking for. Since you want cast
speed and mana amount, you really don't need your INT unless you
plan on healing, but if you're a prophet, you really aren't a healer.
Sorry parties,but get a damn bishop. You can get some dyes
and full your rap sheet full of -INT +WIT augmentations. You'll
need em if you want to be the fastest buff in the west, east, north,
and south. Overall, the cost for this character is the cheapest.
Since you're a buffer mainly, spiritshots aren't a need, though you
SHOULD keep them with you in the case that healing is needed.
Since you won't need soulshots, they're not a necessity so you save money on
that. Remember, mana prophets belong in groups, not as a solo character.
In general, if you're looking for a *slightly* low cost prophet, this is a
decent choice. However if you choose this option, I suggest that you somehow
find someway to make gameplay enjoyable.. These "buffboxes" as they're called
tend to stagnate as characters and in the end, are sometimes forgotten. Do
some RP or something, but just don't play to run around, buff, and sit. If
you really want to play with a set routine every-single-day, then run a damn
bot program.
Prophet Type B: Light Prophet
PROS: Good pdef. Can withstand light trauma before kissing the canvas. Still
decent cast speed. Can still function as a healer (with some limitations).
Can fight by themselves(to an extent)
CONS: Lesser amount of Mana. Slower cast speed than Mana Prophets.
Description: Another, slightly common Prophet, though you see the Mana Prophet
the most. These prophet has drawn on their Cleric predeccessor class's light
armor mastery to give them better protection than your Mana Prophet. This makes
them a decent support fighter, though their damage is limited by their weapon.
Slightly more costly in terms of both money and SP, this one takes a little more
time to build, though they are able to take more abuse than the Mana Prophets
and they are capable of soloing to an extent. With high-level Shield magic, they
have dependable defense in a light to moderate skirmish, though you shouldn't
depend on it all the time. Remember, first and foremost, you're support.
Methods: As a Light Prophet, you really have no use for Heavy armor or
robe mastery, so you don't have to bother wasting any SP on those skills.
Use your SP for building your other skills, especially light armor mastery.
Chances are that your light armor mastery from the previous Cleric class will
keep you afloat in most fights, save that against the most powerful enemies.
For C grade, as a light prophet, you'll want to attack as much as possible and
do decent damage. But remember, as a light prophet, you can't really take to a
stand up fight that well. A dagger, sword, or a bow suits this class pretty
well. As a light prophet if you want to fight, you unfortunately will have to
spend SP on weapon mastery, since every little bit will count in a fight. Though
you can fight, you'll still want to predominantly leave it to the party. The
only true reason why you're wearing light armor and running around poking things
with your picksticker is so that you don't get knocked off as easily as a Mana
Prophet. The best choice for a light prophet in a stand up fight against a
monster is one that allows you to have decent attack but still have some magical
ability. Homunkulus Sword is a good choice, it being a magic speed sword.
Daggers are a good choice, since, when combined with focus and death whisper,
will give you a good amount of criticals. For a bow, obviously the eminence is
the strongest. The reason why you don't want a strong patk weapon as a light
prophet is that, though you wear something that qualifies as armor, you still
can't take a lot of punishment, so you DON'T want to attract unwanted attention
from other monsters. Why fight if you can save yourself the trouble? You don't
want to ruin your new light digs would you? As for light armor, Plated Leather/
Theca are good choices. Plated Leather provides +4 STR and -1 CON. Just what
you need for added damage oomph,and just enough so you do decent damage. Theca
provides +5.24% pdef and is the optimal choice. As a light prophet, you wear it
so you can stand damage more, not so you can DO damage. Tempered Mithril adds
Evasion +4, but between dodging an attack on chance, and getting hit and just
dusting it off, I'd choose the latter. Drake Leather provides M Def +5.24, but
since as a magic user, you have a natural ability skill for Anti-magic defense,
this is sort of a redundant thing. For B Grade weapons, Bow of Peril seems to
be a popular choice, though given the cost of it it's sort of a turn off.
Though you'll do damage a lot, this also is proportional to how often you'll
draw mobs away, and in light armor, you don't want to piss off a group of
monsters. Stick with a decent magic sword or dagger which provides magic cast
speed, and allows you to do respectable damage, but notenough that you drag
aggro on a daily basis IMHO. For B armor, you have a variety of choices from
Zubei, Avadon, Blue Wolf, and Doom light sets.Once again, Blue Wolf Light seems
to trounce the others as it gives +5.24% pdef,+15% cast speed, -2 int, +3 men,
-1 wit. It gives you a decent amount of cast speed, though the cast speed
bonus and -1 wit will conflict a bit. The Pdef it gives will help you out in
the event that you end up taking damage. The light avadon set is another good
choice mainly because it adds to your weight penalty limit. The more you can
carry means more soulshots and spiritshots you can hold, even though this pales
comparison to the necessity of other bonuses that are out there. Zubei's again
seems to be the underdog as it only provies +4 evasion. Light Doom Set is
a decent choice as it adds to breath gauge, patk +2.7%, Mp Regen +2.5%
str -1, con -2 dex +3, and poison resist +20%. It gives you the dex needed for
criticals to do what qualifies as damage, and gives you better atkspd; and, of
course, the Mp regen is welcome with the p.atk. A Grade light armor is a
loooong list so here we go... There's once again an menagerie of choices.
Depending on what you want, you'll generally find a specific armor set.
If you stick to bows, the Light Majestic Set add +8% archery damage and +1 dex.
It adds MP boost of 240 MP with a 50% stun resist but a -1 con.
Light Prophets that choose to mainly go toe-to-toe alongside the party can go
Light Nightmare with gives a weak vampiric rage effect of 3% melee recover HP.
The +1 dex -1 con is decent for attack speed and the M.Def +4% and Sleep hold
resist +70% is excellent if you fight against mobs that use sleep and hold.
Light Tallum provides great Mp Regen and MP boost of +8% and 222 MP
respectively. Poison and bleed resistance +80%, Men +2,and Wit -2 also accompany
this set. The Light Dark Crystal Set is for those light prophets that want a
little more oomph in their hand to hand combat with an atk spd and p.atk +4%.
It gives +1 Str and -1 con and paralysis resistance of +50%. To reiterate,
I'd worry about avoiding and not tangling personally with paralyzing mobs since
they're just plain out bastards.
FINAL SAY: Without a doubt, the light prophet is the most versatile of the
prophet classes. The many bonuses that the light armor sets provide with help
you out with whichever avenue you choose if you use a dagger for speed, bow for
damage, or magic sword for cast speed. Slightly more costly in terms of SP and
Money since their use of weaponry aside from staffs allows them more effective
usage of soulshots than the mana prophets. If you don't mind spending more time
getting SP or makin money, then Light prophet is a good class of Prophet.
You've got decent armor, a decent weapon, and still retain the cast speed
needed for quick buffs; and, if you need to, you can solo to an extent.
Prophet Type C: Heavy Prophet (AKA Combat Prophet, Fighter Prophet,
Crazy Prophet)
Pros: High P.def. High P.atk. Can buff themselves to increase solo and fighting
proficiency. Can heal themselves in the middle of a heated fight.
Cons: Lower MP amount. Slower Cast Speed (can be alleviated later in levels).
Most expensive of the Prophet classes.
Description: Aren't you sick of the continuing stereotype of the weak little
prophet that everyone has to protect? Well so was I. Heavy Prophets are the
knights of the prophet kingdom and the rarest of any prophet class.
As a heavy prophet you've got two objectives: 1) Protect people (your
partymates) and 2) Do as MUCH damage as Prophety possible. When combined with a
good powerful sword that has focus, (it MUST have focus) and death whisper,
focus magic, might, haste, and maybe dance of fire, they do hellacious damage
for a magic class in hand to hand combat. When fully buffed, a heavy prophet
becomes a force to be reckoned with and they can take great amounts of damage
before having to heal or dying. Of course you sacrifice the MP amount,and thus,
it can become a hindrance when you're in a large party.
Method: This is the most expensive of the Prophet classes, since you actually
have to bother about buying a REAL weapon, AND you have to get a Soul crystal
to focus enhance it. The ultimate reason of why always get a focus enhancement
is simple, magic user's hand to hand attack *piip* period, that's it. The only
real way to do damage is to depend on three things 1) Your overall Patk with
the weapon and your weapon mastery skill. 2) Soulshot soulshot soulshot
3) My favorite, Soul shot critical. #3 of course,is the ultimate equalizer
which will allow you to do serious damage worthy of a fighter. Of course later
on, with a powerful weapon and soulshots, your damage will already be nutty,
with a focus weapon, it adds salt to the wounds since with YOUR buffing magic,
you'll do soulshot criticals like there's no tomorrrow. You'll want a sword
with focus, or any weapon with focus that has a high p.atk. In grade C,
the Berserker Sword is the best choice since a +3 berserker with focus has 202
patk and 92 matk and it will give you, with focus magic, a critical level of
177. You'll do serious damage with soulshot hits, and when a soulshot
critical comes, just watch the enemy's life go down fast. Grade C Armor will
undoubtedly be Full Plate armor. As Heavy Prophet you not only want to do the
maximumdamage you can, but you want the maximum protection, period. In grade
B, you will DEFINITELY WANT a Great Sword, or any other 200+ p.atk weapon
that has focus. When you get this type of weapon, you will walk around in
safety knowing that your B weapon only needs 1 soulshot, and with the focus
enchant on it and your buffs, you can steamroll a mob easily. For B armor,
you'll probably want Blue Wolf over Doom. Blue Wolf will give you Hp Regen
+5.24 and, most importantly +3 str, which, with some + Str dyes, will give you
the stats needed to do greater amounts of damage. In my honest opinion, Blue
Wolf will give more protection than Heavy Doom.. Here's why... When you get
Heavy Armor mastery, it provides a bonusamount of P.def for heavy armor..
understandable and easy right? Here's how i think it works, and correct me if
I'm wrong... It provides a bonus PER each article of heavy armor...
Thus it'll give a bonus for the Blue Wolf Breastplate, AND the gaiters,
ultimately giving you, i think, more pdef than the doom armor. I haven't
really compared them, but that's how I think it works. Correct me if I'm wrong
on this, i really want to know. At A grade armor, You can choose whichever
heavy armor set you'd like since they all provide very high amounts of pdef..
whatever bonuses you'd like, are up to you.
FINAL SAY: Without a doubt, this class of prophet is the most expensive.
You not only have to buy a powerful patk weapon with focus, or give it focus
yourself by getting a soul crystal, but soulshots are fairly expensive later on.
In general, I wouldn't trust a party, a large one that is, with a heavy prophet.
Heavy prophets don't have a large amount of MP that Mana and Light Prophets do,
so if you have em, don't depend on them to always have MP at hand. Heavy
Prophets are really, mainly, solitary hunters. It really is a matter of
personal preference. You don't see a lot of Heavy Prophets that much at all,
so it IS fun to imagine what a fighter is thinking when they see a Prophet
taking on a headless knight with ease, or demolishing a grave overlord with
no sweat. Heavy Prophets are costly in terms of money, since a lot of the
heavy armor sets tend to be more expensive than their light and robe
counterparts. My advice: If you have the patience, the benevolence to take
a frontline stand against mobs and evil, are sick of the stereotype weak
flimsy magic user, or are just plain insane,this is the best prophet class
ever, and with that I end the guide.
Special thanks to...
L2, which is really saying NC SOFT twice, but what the hey.
l2orphus and
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Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle: Prophet Guide by OrganicAlkemist
Version 1.337, Last Updated 2006-02-21 View/Download Original File
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